08 October 2007

Online Classes

SCORE has teamed up with The Small Business Center to offer some online classes. Two in particular caught my eye; Planning your advertising and Can you afford to start a business.

The courses have been geared to low speed intenet connections, like mine. Not a lot of flash animation and lots of text rather than graphics. And, they allow you to enter answers and thoughts, which are saved on-line for your later reference.

I took the Advertising course. No cost involved other than about 1 hour of my time.

The couse got me thinking about internet advertising. While I was looking at a local Austin ratecard I ran across the term CPM. In context CPM stands for Cost Per Mille (i.e. 1,000). Looking that up, I found an interesting site for reference and glossary called NET-ADS. I've added a link to our library in the left column.

04 October 2007

Workshops In October

Full plate this month.

We start off with the Marketing Workshop on October 13th, 9am to 1pm. Mike Dore will discuss approaches to developing a marketing strategy.

The third week of the month will have the Business Plan Workshop (Oct 16, 11:30-1:30pm) and the all day Essentials For Starting A Business (Oct 17, 9am to 4pm).

Then on the 25th (Thursday, 11:30-1:30pm) Barry Lewis will conduct the Alternative Sources of Capital Workshop. Barry discusses the advantages and disadvantages of Equity or Debt financing.